Nutriflex Lipid 32/64 peri Emulsion for infusion

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3-Chamber bag

Therapeutic Indication:

For the supply of energy, essential fatty acids, amino acids, electrolytes and fluids for parenteral nutrition of patients in states of mild to moderately severe catabolism when oral or enteral nutrition is impossible, insufficient or contraindicated.

Nutriflex Lipid 32/64 peri is indicated in adults, adolescents and children older than two years. 


  • Peripheral or central venous parenteral nutrition emulsion containing amino acids, glucose, MCT/LCT fat emulsion, and electrolytes in a three-chamber bag.
  • Suitabe for total parenteral nutrition and/ or supplementary PN in combination with enteral nutrition
  • Low glucose content
  • Presentations: 1250, 1875, 2500 ml (may differ from country to country)


Nutriflex Lipid 32/64 peri Emulsion for infusion with Lipofundin® (MCT / LCT) as lipid component 

Lipofundin® MCT / LCT

  • can be liver-protective1-6 
  • may improve the lung function7-17
  • may reduce morbidity and mortality18

The bag design of Nutriflex® 3-Chamber Bags is dedicated to enhancing convenience and safety with information at a glance:

  • 100 % PVC, DEHP and latex free.
  • Clear and user friendly labeling at a glance
  • Innovative oxygen indicator provides quality assurance
  • Ports with a sterile surface enhance the sense of security
  • Self-sealing and stable ports
  • Color coding simplifies differentiation of bag versions and ports

Compatibility data for different additives (e.g. electrolytes, trace elements, vitamins) and the corresponding shelf life of such admixtures can be provided on demand by the manufacturer.


Information may differ in your country. Before prescribing refer to nationally approved prescribing information.

1.Carpentier YA, Siderova V, Bruyns J, and Rubin M Long-term TPN and liver dysfunction Clinical Nutrition 8 (1989) 31, special supplement.

2.Kuse, E.R. et al.; Hepatic reticuloendothelial function during parenteral nutrition including an MCT/LCT or LCT emulsion after liver transplantation – a double blind study; Transpl. Int. (2002); 15, 272-277

3.Lai H.S.; Chen W.J.; Effects of medium and long-chain triacylglycerols in pediatric surgical patients; Nutrition (2000); 16, 401-406

4.Dennison A.R.; Ball M.; Hands L.J.; Crowe P.J.; Watkins R.M.; Kettlewell M; Total parenteral nutrition using conventional and medium-chain triglycerides: effects on liver function tests, complement, and nitrogen balance; JPEN (1988); 12, 15-19

5.Goulet O.; Postaire M.; De Potter S.; Boya I.; Jouniaux A.M.; Bereziat G.; Ricour C.; Medium-chain triglycerides and long-term parenteral nutrition in children; Nutrition (1992); 8, 333-337

6.Rubin M.; Harell D.; Noar N.; Moser A.; Wielunski E.; Merlob P.; Lichtenberg D.; Lipid infusion with different triglyceride cores (long-chain versus medium-chain/long-chain triglycerides): effect on plasma lipids and bilirubin binding in premature infants; JPEN (1991); 15, 642-646

7.Radermacher P.; Santak B.; Strohbach H.; Schror K.; Tarnow J.; Fat emulsions containing medium- chain triglycerides in patients with sepsis syndrome: effects on pulmonary hemodynamics and gas exchange; Intensive Care Med (1992); 18, 231-234

8.Masclans J.R.; Iglesia R.; Bermejo B.; Pico M.; Rodriguez-Roisin R.; Planas M.; Gas exchange and pulmonary haemodynamic responses to fat emulsions in acute respiratory distress syndrome; Intensive Care Med (1998); 24, 918-923

9.Planas M.; Masclans JR.; Iglesia R.; Porta I.; Valls M.; Bermejo B.; Eicosanoids and fat emulsions in acute respiratory distress syndrome patients; Nutrition (1997); 13, 202-205

10.Fiaccadori E.; Tortorella G.; Gonzi G.; Pincolini S.; Belli L.; Albertini D.; Beghi C.; Avogar A.; Hemodynamic, respiratory, and metabolic effects of medium-chain triglyceride-enriched lipid emulsions following valvular heart surgery; Chest (1994); 106, 1660-1667

11.Fiaccadori E.; Tortorella G.; Gonzi G.; Beghi C.; Albertini D.; Pincolini S.; Belli L.; Avogaro A.; Hemodynamic and respiratory effects of medium-chain and long chain triglyceride fat emulsions: a prospective, randomized study; RINPE (1997); 15, 6-14

12.Kourias E.; Theodosopoulos T.; Datsis A.; Vassiliou J.; Smyrniotis B.; A comparison of the effects of fat emulsions (LCT) and mixture fat emulsions (LCT + MCT) on cardiorespiratory system in septic patients with respiratory failure (ARDS); 9th European Congress on Intensive Care Medicine (1996); 517-521; Glasgow

13.Smirniotis V.; Kostopanagiotou G.; Vassiliou J.; Arkadopoulos N.; Vassiliou P.; Datsis A.; Kourias E.; Long-chain versus medium-chain lipids in patients with ARDS: effects on pulmonary haemodynamics and gas exchange; Intensive Care Med (1998); 24, 1029-1033

14.Smirniotis V.E.; Kostopanagiotou G.G.; Arkadopoulos N.F.; Theodoraki K.A.; Kotsis T.E.; Lambrou A.T.; Vassiliou J.G.; Long-chain versus medium-chain lipids in acute pancreatitis complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome: effects on pulmonary hemodynamics and gas exchange; Clinical Nutrition (2001); 20, 139-143

15.Faucher M.; Bregeon F.; Gainnier M.; Thirion X.; Auffray J.P.; Papazian L.; Cardiopulmonary effects of lipid emulsions in patients with ARDS; Chest (2003); 124, 285-291

16.Marsili I.; Iovinelli G.; Varrassi G.; Parenteral nutrition in COPD patients: long vs. medium-chain triglycerides (MVT); Clinical Nutrition (1992); 11, 45; special supplement

17.Milanov S.; Milanov M.; Georgieva M.; Short-term lung metabolic effects of medium-chain triglycerides/long-chain triglycerides-containing lipid emulsions in patients with post-traumatic acute respiratory distress syndrome; Critical Care (2004); 8, 138; supplement 1

18.Grau T, Ruiz de Adana C, Zubillaga S, Fuerte S, and Girón C Estudio aleatorio de dos emulsiones grasas diferentes en la nutrición parenteral total del enfermo quirúrgico desnutrido: efecto sobre la morbilidad infecciosa y la mortalidad Nutr Hosp 18 (2003) 159-166.