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Synthetic, suturable dura substitution

Neuro-Patch® is a type of fine fibred microporous fleece manufactured from a highly purified polyesterurethane. The fine fibred microstructure supports the rapid infiltration of connective tissue cells. [5,9]


  • Neuro-Patch® is used in neurosurgery as dura mater replacement


  • High liquid tightness of the implant prevents CSF leakages [1,2,3]
  • Tissue tolerant [4,5]
  • High tensile strength of the implant prevents suture pull out [2,6]
  • Good suturability [2]
  • Adaptable to anatomical structures [1,2,7]

[1] Clinical Trial. Li N, Zhao WG, Pu CH, Shen JK. Clinical application of artificial dura mater to avoid cerebro-spinal fluid leaks after microvascular decompression surgery. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 2005; 48(6):369–72.).

[2] Clinical Trial. Laun A, Grundmann R. Klinische Erfahrung mit dem Polyesterurethan-Vlies Neuro-Patch als Duraersatzmaterial - Ergebnisse einer Multicenter-Studie, 1996.

[3]  Expert Reports zum klinischen Nutzen des Medizinprodukts Neuro-Patch. Schön Kliniken: Behandlungszentrum Vogtareuth; Klinikum Stuttgart Katharinenhospital. February 2006.

[4] Aesculap AG. Evaluation of biological safety - Neuro-Patch; according to ISO 10993-1, Annex A.

[5] Aesculap AG. Radboud-Universiteit Nijmegen. Jerusalem C. Vergleichende Untersuchungen an sechs Fabrikaten zum Ersatz der Dura mater Encephali - Experimentelle und klinische Resultate.

[6] Aesculap AG. Test-Report. Zusammenfassung der biomechanischen Charakterisierung von sterilem Neuro-Patch. October 2012.

[7] Aesculap AG. Trittel C. PMCF Evaluation Report Neuro-Patch. User Feedback Survey. June 2020.

[8] Expert Report Neuro-Patch. Hôpital Neurologique et Neurochirurgical Pierre Wertheimer GHE, Hospices Civils de Lyon, March 2020.

[9] Clinical Trial. Van Loon J, Plets C, Goffin J, van Calenbergh F. A Prospective Study of Polyesterurethane (Neuro-Patch) as Dura-Substitute. University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven. July 1995.